
Starts With You!

Dementia Friendly Indiana Communities

Our Organization

Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.

Find the listings of communities all across Indiana.

Are you living with dementia or are a care partner?

Want a resource guide to give you some direction?

Take a look at this resource. Free downloadable version.

Most families and caregivers report they are not prepared for life with dementia and that they would welcome some type of “Road Map.” This document is designed to be just that. It provides a look at the big picture and the road ahead—and offers direction and tips about what to expect, what decisions lie ahead, and what steps to take.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.

We are part of the Dementia Friendly America Network.

Dementia Friendly America is committed to fostering community support for people living with dementia and their essential care partners so they can safely remain and continue to engage in the community.